If you are uncertain whom to vote for Student Government Association president, today is your chance to find out information about the five candidates in a presidential debate hosted by SGA President David Watson.The debate will be at noon today in the Brown-Lupton Student Center Lounge.
Watson said the debate would be similar to the 2004 U.S. presidential debate between George W. Bush and John Kerry.
All the candidates will be behind a designated podium and Watson will serve as moderator. He will ask the questions, put a time limit on the candidates’ responses, designate which candidate will speak first and ask candidates for rebuttals when appropriate.
Watson said some of the questions he will ask come from his experience as president and specific questions on the candidates’ goals and leadership style.
Presidential candidate Glenton Richards, a senior radio-TV-film major, said some of the questions Watson will ask are from e-mails from representatives of the House of Representatives and the student body.
The major issues, Watson said, will depend on what the candidates talk about.
Presidential candidate John Campbell, a senior political science major, said he thinks the questions will be generic but have a “TCU isn’t doing its job” theme. Campbell also said a lot of questions will focus around issues regarding the Activities Funding Board.
Richards said issues about tuition and funding and support for student organizations will be the major issues addressed in the debate.
Students should gain the knowledge of how confident, competent and experienced the candidates are, Watson said.
Campbell agreed with Watson saying the students will get to see the character of the candidates.
“Very rarely do the students get an inside look,” Campbell said. “They will get to see the leading issues and the character of a possible student body president.