We all get tired.And I am not talking about the kind of tired you get the morning after a long night of responsible – or careless – partying, or the level of tired you might be after pulling an all-nighter in the library for an 8 a.m. final.
No, I am definitely not talking about the mornings that ask yourself, “Why did I order that last drink?” “Why did I order that second taquito at Whataburger?” or “Has it really been three days since my last shower?”
It is the tired you get when you are frustrated or disappointed.
It could be something as big as the war in Iraq or as unimportant as Jennifer Aniston’s hair, but we get frustrated and tired over things we can and cannot control.
Take the Frogs, for example. To put it simply, Gary Patterson’s team was tired entering its Nov. 3 game against New Mexico.
You know the story by now. The heralded little guys with big-time talent and even larger dreams became an afterthought in the 2007 season. Heck, even the Charlie-In-The-Box and the Misfit Elephant toys exiled to the Island of Misfit Toys in “Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer” would not have envied where TCU stood – or didn’t stand – in the minds of college football fans.
The Frogs were fading and fading fast until the “Pink Out” game against the Lobos. Now, I don’t know what happened, but from the time Chris Manfredini kicked-off to start the game, it was over. It was a display more suitable for a Playstation 2 game than a Division-I football game.
If I would have told you before Saturday’s win that the Frogs would have had more rushing attempts than New Mexico had total offensive plays, you more than likely would have spit your drink back in my face from laughter. Now? Not so much of a laughing matter as a tip of the hat.
What happened?
Joseph Turner was tired.
Stephen Hodge was tired.
Jason Phillips was tired.
They were tired of being the forgotten, the disappointed and the bullied. This season’s team had been going off the reputation built up and established by past teams.
Was there a little too much purple Kool-Aid in our systems? Probably so, especially since the Frogs had not defeated a team with a winning record before Saturday’s win. On second thought, maybe the Kool-Aid was spiked with something.
But that does not matter now.
No need to spike your favorite purple drink. The Frogs are going bowling and are guaranteed another winning season.
This was the night the 2007 season was saved.