The illusion show “Maze,” sponsored by TCU Campus Crusade for Christ, will return to campus Friday. The magician, Jim Munroe, will ask students to think about the cultural definition of truth as well as talk about his Christian faith and his battle with leukemia.
According to the show’s official website, “‘Maze’ presents a unique blend of illusion, intuition, psychology, humor, mystery and danger.”
“Maze” last came to campus in 2011.
According to its Facebook page, TCU CRU is “a community of believers who are pursuing the Lord and desire to share the message and life of Christ with others.”
Samson McClane, a senior finance and accounting double major who is involved with promoting the show, said the marketing for the event is intentionally vague.
“I want to leave it open for everybody’s interpretation once they go,” he said.
Senior marketing major Toby Teakell said he attended the event last time it was on campus and said it was packed. He said he would come to the show again this year.
“The illusions are great,” Teakell said. “I still have no clue how he did half the things he did.”
Hoey said she is excited the show is coming back to TCU so students can see the way Munroe presents his beliefs through magic.
“I think it’s a really brilliant show overall,” she said.
The free show will take place Friday at 8 p.m. in Ed Landreth Auditorium.