Three new seats were added to the Intercom roster Thursday in order to better represent the student body.
Veterans student services representative LaQwen Nichols and transfer student representative Mark Filus joined the committee. Convener Paige Wells said Intercom will have a third new member from the council of student athletes as well.
“We thought it would be a good idea to get more voices incorporated from those umbrellas because we didn’t have a veteran voice or a transfer student voice or someone from the council of student athletes,” Wells said, “We thought it would just kind of help get a new perspective on things and help us to think of new ideas.”
Wells also said that Intercom may change more in the future in regards to adding new seats, but she thinks the student body is being represented well at the moment.
Other than the addition of the new members, the meeting focused on alcohol and drug education, she said.
A representative from Enterhealth, a drug and alcohol addiction rehabilitation center, spoke to the group about the science behind addiction, Wells said.
Intercom also talked about Need 2 Know, which is an event for first-year students that focuses on making students aware of certain issues like drugs and alcohol and sexual assault, Filus, a senior supply chain management major, said.
LaQwen Nichols, a junior strategic communication major, said the group plans to discuss how to be more cohesive and how to include more representation of the student body in the future.