After several changes to their commencement plans, the class of 2020 gave mixed reactions to the announcement to participate in an in-person ceremony in May.
Chancellor Victor Boschini announced Monday in an email to graduates and their families that in addition to the virtual ceremony scheduled for Aug. 8, TCU is planning commencement for all graduates in May 2021.
In the email, Boschini said those who can’t make it to the spring commencement can participate in any future ceremony, as he wants to ensure “every 2020 graduate has the opportunity to walk across the stage when it is safe to do so.”
This announcement comes after the July 20 announcement of the virtual graduation, which begins at 4 p.m. and will be streamed on Facebook.

Many graduates have voiced their opinions on how they felt since the in-person commencement was canceled due to COVID-19.
“I know it makes the most sense and is probably easiest to allow us to graduate with other classes in the future,” said Anne Wright, a TCU alumna. “However, it is still disappointing that our class won’t have our own celebration.”
Another TCU alumna, Maddie Foss, said though she wishes the administration could have been more proactive, she knows TCU is doing its best.
If COVID-19 cases continue to increase, some students are uncertain if announcing the plans for the 2021 commencement was the best decision.
“I honestly kinda wish they hadn’t said we can walk in 2021 because unfortunately, who even knows if there will be a ceremony then, and to have a third one canceled would just be sad,” said Madelyn Carlson, a TCU alumna.
Chancellor Boschini commended the Class of 2020 and said they will be remembered for their “adaptability, innovation and resilience.”
“I truly believe that all the challenges we face in life help us to be better leaders for tomorrow,” he said.