Students have until 5 p.m. today to vote on the Student Government Association (SGA) fee increase as SGA tries to boost its budget for the second time in two years.
Student body treasurer Julia Laswell listed inflation as a main reason for the hike, which would be the first increase since 2010.
She said the increase is not meant to grow SGA’s programming – it is just to maintain stability.
“We’re not really trying to change the game, or do better, or do bigger,” Laswell, a junior finance major, said. “We’re just trying to keep up with what we already have.”
Last year, students voted not to hike up the fee. This left SGA with a budget of about $1 million to spend on the fall concert, student organizations and the Christmas tree lighting, which are the three areas Laswell said will get the most help from a fee boost.
Students can vote through a link sent to their TCU email for or against a fee increase from $45 per semester to $65 per semester. Voting ends at 5 p.m. on Monday, February 17.