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Saying goodbye allows personal legacy to begin

Published Apr 23, 2010

I hate goodbyes.

No, seriously, I hate goodbyes.

I'm the worst at them.

Not in the "I leave without saying goodbye to anyone so it's easier" way, but in the "I dwell on and almost relish in the despair" type way. So of course I've done a lot of retrospection and introspection in the past year. Everything is a "last."

My last football game.

My last campus tour.

Sodexo employees deserve representation

Published Apr 23, 2010

Staff Assembly would benefit Dining Services workers at the university in considering the addition of a Sodexo representative to the assembly. Dining Services workers do not currently have a voice on campus,...

Nicaragua bound: Nursing grad plans international career

Published Apr 23, 2010

Not many college juniors have babies named after them, especially after having just helped bring them into the world. That is, however, exactly what happened to senior nursing student Ayla Landry when she volunteered to work at a local clinic in Nicaragua during her spring break in 2009.

Landry barely even spoke to the woman before helping her through labor. She was young and scared, Landry said, and she wasn't sure who the father of her baby girl was.

Leaving a legacy makes every moment last

Published Apr 23, 2010

Being a TCU student for four years has taught me many things, but the one that stands out the most is simple: enjoy every moment. I've done a lot of things in my time as a Horned Frog. I've been Panhellenic President, Student Foundation President, a Neeley Fellow, a Frog Camp facilitator and a member of Zeta Tau Alpha, just to name a few. However, it hasn't been the big, organized functions I will remember most after graduation.

Students should show gratitude more often

Published Apr 23, 2010

Because of my experiences over the last four years, I am walking away with an incredible sense of gratitude. I am grateful for our faculty and staff, our alumni, our parents and our friends of the university. Each of these groups of people give so much of their own time and resources to ensure that we as students have the best possible experience while we are here. If you're not involved on campus, get involved. If you are involved, stay involved.

Colts select Hughes in first round

Colts select Hughes in first round

Published Apr 23, 2010

The Indianapolis Colts drafted former Horned Frogs outside linebacker Jerry Hughes with the 31st pick of the 2010 NFL Draft. Hughes will join the defending AFC champions as the 12th first-round draft pick out of TCU.

"I'm really happy for him for the simple reason that he could have gone out in the draft last year but he came back to get his degree and help us win a championship," said head football coach Gary Patterson. "I was really hoping that he'd get an opportunity because he did so much for everybody else."

Q&A: Author gives job tips

Published Apr 23, 2010

Harvey Mackay, author of five New York Times best sellers, including the runaway No. 1 best seller, "Swim with the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive," is back with more advice about the hostile job market.

His new book, "Use Your Head to Get Your Foot in the Door: Job Search Secrets No One Else Will Tell You," was 15th on the New York Times list for Hardcover Business Best Sellers as of April 1.

Moments full of laughter to be remembered most

Published Apr 23, 2010

It's hard to recall memories in terms other than as momentous occasions. Our brains have this perception that our most pleasant remembrances should be embellished and compiled into montages complete with moving audio backtracking. And yet, this is not how I will remember this university. Certainly, it is something great and magnificent and has offered me a fantastic background for whatever career I choose in the future.

Tips for a stress-free finals week

Published Apr 23, 2010

Finals are fast-approaching and many students know that when faced with such an important time, anything that can go wrong, will. But mastering skills like pre-planning, time management and list making will help students cope with the stress of finals week, a psychology professor said.

Psychology professor Mauricio Papini said pre-finals nerves come from several factors.

"A major source of stress is the overlap of exams and uncertainty about how grades are determined in each course," Papini said.

University helps students discover their true potential

Published Apr 23, 2010

When I started at TCU in 2006, I had no clue who I was or what I wanted out of life. I was divorced, 30 years old and the mother of one child. Four years later, it's like a fog has lifted and it's all become clear.

I found myself. On the tree-lined sidewalks of the gorgeous campus, in the basement stacks of the library, in the sunshine-filled commons and in the computer labs inside Moudy. This school, this amazing place, has filled me with so much more than just knowledge.

Four years provide life lessons to carry into real world

Published Apr 23, 2010

Fifteen days - that's how long I have left at TCU as I sit here pondering how to summarize my college experience in 500 words. Do I talk about how I was scared to death of my screaming Frog Camp facilitators...

University has high undergrad return rate for grad school

Published Apr 23, 2010

Josh Noble spent one year working for SurfRay, a partner of Microsoft, before he realized he would need a graduate degree in order to further his management skills.

Noble, a 2008 university graduate with a degree in biology, said he will return to the university to begin the Evening Professional Master in Business Administration program in fall 2010.

Noble returned to the university's graduate program because of the proximity to home, the team-focused environment and the quality of the programs available.