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TCU 360

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TCU 360

Students’ political apathy intolerable

Published Aug 29, 2007

Universities used to be places of demonstration, political discussion and a general challenging of society and ones' beliefs. Think of University of California, Berkeley in the 1960s. What happened? It seems now more than ever - and especially at TCU - students are taking a step back and coasting through their four, five or even six years here without ever really listening to what the other guy has to say. There is an attitude of apathy that permeates our campus. While TCU is changing on the outside, it's imperative that we start looking inward.

Legal online behavior no basis for work discrimination

Legal online behavior no basis for work discrimination

Published Aug 29, 2007

With the explosion of technology across the globe during the past 30 years, our world has become increasingly smaller with each passing minute. Too small, some might say.

With the advent of social networking Web sites such as MySpace and Facebook, peoples' lives are suddenly on display to the entire world. Such a widespread proliferation of personal information has never been seen before.

With the joys of being able to connect with old friends half a world away, however, come consequences.

Sports drink company funds research

Published Aug 29, 2007

The Gatorade Sports Science Institute is funding a kinesiology research project by providing $19,000 - but the research will not involve Gatorade. the kinesiology department chair said.Joel Mitchell, chair of the kinesiology department, said the research attempts to study the effects of exercise and fluid on sodium levels in the human body.

Gatorade, which contains sodium, would be an additional variable and, therefore, water is being used, Mitchell said.

Hamburger Heaven (part 1)

Published Aug 28, 2007

A vegetarian gives her two cents about the world of local hamburger restaurants to see if there is equality amongst burger connoisseurs.Charley's Old Fashioned HamburgersCharley's Old Fashioned Hamburgers...

City’s smoking ban not enough

Published Aug 28, 2007

Smoking in public areas has been contested for at least the last decade. Gone are the days when smokers and non-smokers were separated by a small wall or a walkway in restaurants. But bars have never had such a distinct and "clear" division. However, the anti-smoking attitude which has gained momentum in the last decade has yet to leave its mark on most of Texas.But do government agencies have the right to legislate lifestyle changes? The votes are in and most say yes to not smoking in open areas. Fort Worth has legislated a ban on smoking in restaurants but not bars.

Now that's good eatin'

Now that’s good eatin’

Published Aug 28, 2007

"Fight 'em till hell freezes over, then fight 'em on ice." These were the famous words of TCU's only coach to win a national championship, Dutch Meyer.

Students and community members can now remember Meyer at the new hamburger joint, Dutch's, which was named after him for his accomplishments on the football field and around campus.

Dutch's, which is located on University Drive in the former Jon's Grille space, is adding to the list of ever-growing TCU community hangout spots.

Capacity crowds fill new dormotories

Published Aug 28, 2007

var uslide_show_id = "7f2463a8-28e8-4846-a859-9dc3bbec729b";var slideshowwidth = "468";var linktext = "See the new dorm"; The sound of banging hammers, drills and construction trucks have faded into the...

New grading system a minus

New grading system a minus

Published Aug 28, 2007

There are a few special students who strive to do far more than necessary - those who struggle, sweat and clamor to distinguish themselves, on paper, as shrines of scholastic achievement. Some may call these burgeoning students the "pride and joy" of higher education.I call them pretentious, self-interested annoyances or, in my more blunt moments, I refer to them as "GPA whores" because of the impression that these students will do anything for a few points here and there. They will beg, plead, cry, or obtain a court-issued mandate for the grade - whatever it takes.

International students need office

International students need office

Published Aug 28, 2007

Place about 120 strangers from all corners of the globe in a room and you would expect major awkwardness to ensue. How could it not? These kids are miles away from home, speak English with an accent and their name tag isn't doing them any favors. What could have been a Tower of Babel actually unfolds into something quite different as the students break the ice and make their first ties at international orientation: their reception to TCU.

Fans get sneak peek of team

Fans get sneak peek of team

Published Aug 28, 2007

var uslide_show_id = "1f7b2051-ac32-46ac-9b6b-88034516996d";var slideshowwidth = "468";var linktext = "See more Meet the Frogs photos"; As the football team dispersed from the south end zone to begin...

Foreign monetary aid not always beneficial to nations

Published Aug 28, 2007

In today's world, it's common for Catholic sermons to extract scriptures from the Book of Mark used during the Gospel reading. My personal favorite verse from the Book of Mark reads, "Those who raise themselves will be humbled ... and those who humble themselves will be raised."Personally, I'm the type of person who believes in doing good for others before they do good unto me and giving to the needy and less fortunate.

Overhauled fountain set for return to quad

Published Aug 28, 2007

The once-dominant figure of Frog pride on campus, Frog Fountain, will return to campus this fall sporting a new design, said the vice chancellor for finance and administration. A specific date for its return to campus will probably be available in the next month, said Harold Leeman, associate director of Physical Plant Administration.

The fountain, dismantled in May 2006, was in need of minor repairs, said Brian Gutierrez, vice chancellor for finance and administration.