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Rifle: Shooter breaks TCU record

Published Mar 24, 2006

The stereotype of men being the only ones who shoot guns has been as dominant as the association of seeing John Wayne in a cowboy hat; it's just natural. With that being said, there is a growing trend of women having more and more staying power in the world of competitive shooting. Here at TCU, senior Celeste Green has proven she is not only one of the best female shooters in the country, but she is also one of the best shooters in the country period.

Womens Tennis: Team looks to advance doubles play, coach says

Women’s Tennis: Team looks to advance doubles play, coach says

Published Mar 24, 2006

When the women's tennis players hit the courts this Friday in their home match against the Wyoming Cowgirls, they will be looking to improve their doubles matches, thanks to some changing of doubles teams,...

Artists should speak out

Published Mar 24, 2006

Two razor-thin presidential elections, a controversial war and questionable domestic policies have sent many people to either side of the political room, creating the most divisive time for the United States since the 1960s.In tumultuous times, it's only natural for people to speak out - either for or against an issue.

"Artists, be they painters, actors, writers or musicians, have a responsibility to reflect and interpret the world around them," said DJ Shadow, a popular, underground, San Francisco musician, in a statement on www.zackdelarocha.com.

Your View: Fair trade issue needs fact-clearing, consideration

Published Mar 23, 2006

Recently there has been a lot of buzz about coffee on TCU's campus. As co-coordinator of Frogs for Fair Trade I am ecstatic about the commotion. It was reported March 8 that we, Frogs for Fair Trade, would soon be part of a national campaign aimed at converting all Jazzman's Caf‚ locations to provide 100 percent fair trade coffee, cocoa and tea. This is true; however, some facts regarding the campaign must be cleared up.

Ultra-thin not example of healthy body weight

Ultra-thin not example of healthy body weight

Published Mar 23, 2006

In America, body image is everything.We hear continually about the obesity crisis, how to lose weight, the next big diet or pill.

Hasn't anyone heard of moderation?

It is certainly not healthy to weigh 400 pounds, but it's not healthy to weigh 100 pounds either, unless you are very short.

Last week, I tuned in to "The Real World" and there was a 95-pound girl talking about how ugly she feels - of course she's ugly; she's skin and bones. But just 15 pounds would turn her into a very attractive woman, though still skinny.

Men’s Swimming and Diving: Senior dives at NCAA finals

Published Mar 23, 2006

Another year at the NCAA Swimming and Diving Championships means a new mindset for TCU men's diver Kelly McCain, who will compete today in the NCAA Championship Meet.McCain, a senior, made history last...

Men’s basketball needs change

Published Mar 23, 2006

The disappointing TCU men's basketball season came to an end a few days before Spring Break. And it is obvious Danny Morrison, TCU's Athletic Director, must fire Neil Dougherty, TCU's head basketball coach. The future of the program hangs in the balance.Dougherty, a lifelong assistant coach at Kansas, Vanderbilt and Cameron University, was hired in 2002 to win games, lead the Frogs to the top of the conference, land recruits who can be developed to fit and progress in the TCU system and recruit talent similar to the talent he allegedly recruited at Kansas and Vanderbilt.

Q & A: Brad Furnish

Q & A: Brad Furnish

Published Mar 23, 2006

What kind of pitcher are you: Power or finesse?I would say I am more of a power pitcher.


Well, because I am left-handed and, for most left-handed pitchers, I guess I could say I have an above-average fastball. I like to throw my fastball.

Is that your best pitch?

I guess you could say so.

If you could meet any professional baseball player, who would it be and why?

Well, the professional baseball player I always wanted to meet is actually dead now. That was Ted Williams. I am a huge fan of Ted Williams.

Finding financial security after college

Published Mar 23, 2006

College graduates will walk across the stage in May, confident their education has provided them with the knowledge and wisdom needed to be successful in the future; however, there is one area in which young professionals are less savvy - consumer credit.Bud Hibbs, a consumer credit expert in Fort Worth, says the biggest problem facing recent college graduates and young people in general is ignorance.

Two takes on South by Southwest: Take two

Published Mar 23, 2006

This year I devoted the better part of my Spring Break to Austin's colossal South by Southwest music conference.In past spring breaks, I've returned home to spend time relaxing with family and friends. This year, however, my experience at SXSW left me feeling more exhausted than rested.

Held annually, SXSW features more than 1,400 bands over four consecutive nights at 60-plus venues, all within about six blocks of one another.

Two takes on South by Southwest: Take one

Published Mar 23, 2006

Ten minutes into English punkers Art Brut's set, I remembered why I voluntarily gave up my Spring Break to cover the South by Southwest music conference."Look at us! We formed a band!" declared Art Brut frontman Eddie Argos to a crowd huddled inside a tent in the Emo's parking lot .

In the midst of all the big names, it's easy to forget SXSW is really about uncovering that hidden gem of a band that played at the same time everyone else was fawning over the Arctic Monkeys or realizing their 16-year-old dream of seeing former-Smith Morrissey live.

High school a time to explore

Published Mar 23, 2006

Changing majors: Almost every college student considers it. Classes are getting too hard, too boring or maybe, in the process of exploring the different avenues required by the core curriculum, a student decides there is another course of study that is more interesting.

There's nothing wrong with changing majors. Who can really be sure of what to do at 18? The indecision around choosing a major can stretch the college experience from four years into five or even six.