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TCU 360

Neeley to offer summer program

Published Jan 20, 2006

Students who are looking to start and run their own businesses, or those who have little business knowledge, may benefit from a new program starting at TCU.The School of Business is offering juniors, seniors and recent graduates the chance to enroll in a summer program designed for nonmajors to help them develop business fundamentals.

Laura Meade, the academic director for the Summer Business Program, said the program can even benefit liberal arts majors.

Students audition for dance scholarships, concert roles

Published Jan 20, 2006

Current and aspiring dance majors will have their only opportunity to perform in their department's spring shows when the Department of Ballet and Modern Dance holds a set of auditions starting tonight.The first audition is tonight at 5:30 p.m. in the Ballet and Modern Dance building. The audition is used to cast dance majors for spring concerts and other shows for the rest of the semester.

RTVF department necessitates resources

RTVF department necessitates resources

Published Jan 20, 2006

TCU has many great programs. It may be expensive to attend this school, but we are told that our money is well-spent, and the investment will last us the rest of our lives.Overall, I have found this to be true. I am approaching my junior year as a part of the Schieffer School of Journalism, and thankfully, I have not had any problems enrolling in any of my basic-level classes that are prerequisites for upper level, skill-teaching courses.

Online Exclusive: Cat Power extended review

Published Jan 19, 2006

A lot has happened in the three years since Cat Power's last studio album.Following "You are Free," she's dropped Dave Grohl and Eddie Vedder in favor of the Memphis Rhythm Band, and she filled out her trademark spare sound with more than just a piano and guitar.

The brains behind the name, Chan Marshall, will release "The Greatest" on Jan. 24. Despite the name, "The Greatest" will feature 12 brand-new tracks from the Atlanta-bred troubadour.

Online Exclusive: Scrubs extended review

Published Jan 19, 2006

After a half-season hiatus, "Scrubs" is back on NBC for the 2006 season.So far, we've watched J.D., played by "Garden State" star Zach Braff, morph from intern into resident, and Elliot, played by Sarah...

Online Exclusive: “Glory Road” extended review

Published Jan 19, 2006

My best friend doesn't understand why I keep going to sports movies. "It's not like you don't know who's going to win," she always tells me.

"Glory Road," the true story of the Texas Western University men's basketball team, which opened Friday, reminded me exactly why knowing the ending doesn't matter.

Josh Lucas ("Sweet Home Alabama", "A Beautiful Mind") plays a convincing Don Haskins, a coach who leads the unknown 1966 Miners to a 27-1 season and an NCAA championship over the University of Kentucky.

Online Exclusive: Dave Barry extended review

Published Jan 19, 2006

He's chronicled turning 40, lampooned Washington, turning 50, and even writing itself. Now, with "Dave Barry's Money Secrets," Dave Barry is back to spoof the world of money.Barry has never been one for subtle humor - which is immediately evidenced by the book's subtitle, "Like: Why Is There a Giant Eyeball on the Dollar?" - but his satirical take on American economics is razor sharp.

TCU community debates legality of wiretapping

Published Jan 19, 2006

Americans and members of the TCU community everywhere have taken sides regarding the legality of the Bush administration's domestic wiretapping program.The New York Times reported Dec. 16 that the Bush administration has been wiretapping phone conversations between the United States and abroad without a warrant.

Austin Uebele, a sophomore psychology major and member of TCU College Republicans, does not agree with the program.

Residents, students express concerns

Residents, students express concerns

Published Jan 19, 2006

More than 100 student tenants, landlords, and homeowners met Wednesday night at the Kelly Alumni Center in an attempt to settle escalating tensions over traffic, noise and litter in TCU-area neighborhoods.The public hearing outlined several proposals to help ease residents' woes. One proposal would allow for the rezoning of surrounding areas, which may lead to stricter regulations on the number of tenants allowed for a particular house.

Study Abroad will expand your horizons

Study Abroad will expand your horizons

Published Jan 19, 2006

Paris, Prague, Munich, Rome, the Aeolian Islands in Italy. What do these have in common?I visited them all during my semester abroad in Paris.

All students should have an experience like this.

Study abroad allows students to expand their horizons, meet new people, travel, learn a new culture and perhaps even learn a new language.

I studied abroad during the spring semester of my sophomore year (a year earlier than I would recommend). I was then in my fourth semester of French and have since become a French major.

Intelligent design case sparks varied opinions

Published Jan 19, 2006

Some TCU faculty members agree with a federal judge's ruling that teaching intelligent design in science classrooms violates the separation of church and state. Although the ruling only applies to the Dover Area School District in Pennsylvania, the Texas State Board of Education will address the issue when they revise the science curriculum later this year, said Pat Hardy, State Board of Education member for District 11.

Defend your opinions; listen to others'

Defend your opinions; listen to others’

Published Jan 19, 2006

"No Comment."That is everyone's favorite phrase when dealing with the media today.

Although it's frustrating for those at newspapers and those who want updates on a subject, the desire to withhold information is not unreasonable. We live in a society that is built on the flow of information.

One wrong word could open the floodgate of public opinion and crush the one who dared utter such a statement.