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TCU 360

Students need to pay attention

Published Oct 4, 2005

After the September death of Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist, the fate of the nation's highest court, and John G. Roberts Jr.'s place in it, has been a hot topic.But since being confirmed by the Senate...

Your View

Published Oct 4, 2005

It was discouraging to read the Sept. 30 issue of the Skiff, which featured a lead article and editorial about "encouraging diversity" on the TCU campus, but contained no mention of Bruce Feiler's inspiring Gates of Chai lecture that had occurred the previous night at Ed Landreth Hall. This remarkable lecture series, now in its eighth year, is a joint undertaking of the Program in Jewish Studies at TCU and Brite Divinity School. The series has brought the likes of Elie Wiesel, Morris Dees and the late Chaim Potok to campus.

SGA relief bill upheld despite objections

Published Sep 30, 2005

The Judiciary Board upheld the Hurricane Relief Bill, denying one student's claim it violated the Student Body Code, on Wednesday night.Rep. Thomas Guidry, of the College of Science and Engineering, filed a complaint about the bill last week arguing it violates the charitable contributions clause in the Student Body Code.

The clause states: "No charitable contributions shall be made from the student body fund. Charitable contributions include, but are not limited to, payments made to charitable organizations."

Local band shows strengths

Published Sep 30, 2005

In the three years that have passed since Green River Ordinance recorded its first EP, "Breaking the Surface," the band has matured into one that combines probing lyrics with infectious melodies. The result of this growth is their debut full-length album, "The Beauty of Letting Go."Originally intending to release a four-song demo CD, the band members changed their minds when they found themselves unhappy with the initial product.

Pulling fire alarm serious offense, not funny prank

Pulling fire alarm serious offense, not funny prank

Published Sep 30, 2005

About a week ago, I did something college students never do: I got up early. Not just a few minutes early, or even an hour early, but almost 2 1/2 hours early.But this wasn't by choice, and it wasn't because...

Frogs shoot for victory at tourney

Published Sep 30, 2005

The events of Frog Family Weekend give old and new friends a chance to catch up and shoot the breeze. Or, for the women's rifle team, just shoot.The TCU rifle team will host its 15th annual Horned Frog Invitational this weekend, competing against New Mexico Military Institute, Nevada, Texas-El Paso and Texas A&M.

Some of the shooters said they have set individual goals of improvement.

"I am looking to give myself a good starting basis," freshman Tanya Gorin said.

Roberts confirmed as Chief Justice

Published Sep 30, 2005

John Roberts' confirmation as the 17th chief justice of the United States is a significant achievement for the Bush administration, a political science professor said Thursday."John Roberts was an ideal choice for Bush," political science professor Donald Jackson said. "The president wants to leave a lasting impact on the Supreme Court and nominating a young chief justice is a great way to do that. He could serve for twenty years or more."

Dorms raise money for Katrina

Published Sep 30, 2005

When resident assistants from campus residence halls gathered Wednesday night in Milton Daniel Hall, a collection of donations for hurricane victims punctuated the standard fare of awards and announcements.Barbara Hawkins, the associate director of residential life, said the RA all-hall is basically for RAs on campus to get together, make announcements and give out individual awards.

NAACP: Diversity issue persists at TCU

Published Sep 30, 2005

More than 50 students filled the Brown-Lupton Student Center Lounge Thursday to hear concerns TCU's NAACP chapter has with diversity on campus.The forum was a follow-up to last year's April meeting during which the chapter began its campaign for diversity awareness.

"The NAACP at TCU has collaborated the Chancellor (Victor) Boschini and we are at the point of implementation and action," said Allison Robinson, vice president of the chapter. "We need student participation from all organizations in the TCU community."

Promoting health

Promoting health

Published Sep 30, 2005

About 63 percent of Texas adults are overweight, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Web site, but the University Recreation Center wants to make sure that rate is lower on campus.Trey Morrison, assistant director for Campus Recreation fitness and wellness, says thatwith the new TCU Student Fitness Program, Campus Recreation looks to educate and train students to become healthier.

"We are trying to change lifestyles of a whole generation," Morrison said. "We hope to eliminate some obesity."

Team prepares to face Lobos

Team prepares to face Lobos

Published Sep 30, 2005

When it comes to Saturday's game against the University of New Mexico, everyone in the TCU football program can agree on one thing: Win or lose, the Lobos are going to leave a mark."They come to get into a bar fight," head coach Gary Patterson said. "I think they're one of the most physical teams in the Mountain West Conference. It'll be the hardest hitting game we play in all year."

Senior defensive tackle Jared Kesler said UNM takes pride in its physicality.

Hard work pays off for teams

Published Sep 30, 2005

The TCU men's and women's cross country teams will compete this weekend in the North Texas Invitational in Denton."This is one of the smaller meets we will compete in this year," Senior Katrina Zielinski said.

Cross country head coach Patrick Cunniff said this weekend's meet will be very interesting.

"I have not received a final list of the number of schools who will be competing this weekend," Cunniff said. "The level of competition will be determined by the schools that actually compete."