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TCU 360

Students gathered to eat food and listen to music rooted in Latin America.

United Latino Association celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month on campus

Published Oct 12, 2015
Melissa Moreira, ULA's president, said that Hispanic Heritage month celebrates what it means to be Latino and gives students the opportunity to learn more about the culture.
Alpha Chi Omega brings awareness to domestic violence with 'Walk a Mile in Her Shoes' event

Alpha Chi Omega brings awareness to domestic violence with ‘Walk a Mile in Her Shoes’ event

Published Oct 8, 2015
Alpha Chi Omega held its second annual "Walk a Mile in Her Shoes" event in honor of domestic violence awareness month.
Students signed a banner stating their pledged to stop using the "R" word.

Pi Kappa Phi pushes for change

Published Oct 7, 2015
Pi Kappa Phi Push week is more than just songs and chants. The fraternity hosts a variety of events to promote Push America.
Live Coverage: SGA votes on campus carry resolution

Live Coverage: SGA votes on campus carry resolution

Published Oct 6, 2015
The House of Student Representatives is set to vote today on a campus carry resolution which will be sent to the Board of Trustees. This resolution will represent the opinion of the student body regarding campus carry.
Students continue their daily workout at 9Round.

9Round challenges TCU sororities to a competition

Published Oct 6, 2015
This month 9Round is holding a competition between TCU's sororities in their MyZone Challenge.
Yoga club becomes largest sports group after only three semesters

Yoga club becomes largest sports group after only three semesters

Published Oct 5, 2015
Overbooking can cause stress, but there is one new organization on campus that students are finding relieves stress, instead of causing it.
The TCU Rangers spirit organization has grown throughout its six-year history at TCU. (Photo courtesy of the TCU Rangers Facebook page)

Rangers set sights on more members, involvement

Published Oct 5, 2015
New gear and new traditions have helped the TCU Rangers expand to 42 members, but the spirit organization doesn't want to stop there.
Students represent spirit of Cowtown in TCU Homecoming Parade. Friday, Oct.2, 2015

TCU salutes western heritage at 2015 homecoming parade

Published Oct 4, 2015
Members of the Fort Worth community and beyond came to campus to watch the annual homecoming parade Friday.
Junior marketing major poses by Frog Fountain. (Photo courtesy of

Frogwire tells personal stories of students on campus

Published Oct 4, 2015
An anonymous staff of seven are highlighting TCU students who reflect the TCU mission statement.
Students registering for Up ‘Til Dawn in front of the Founder’s Statue.

TCU raises money for cancer patients and their families

Published Oct 3, 2015
Doughnuts and fanny packs might have attracted students to the Founders Statue, but those who stopped learned about TCU's Up 'Til Dawn program.

Homecoming leads to new relationships between organizations

Published Oct 2, 2015
Homecoming is bringing together two sororities that might not otherwise interact with each other.
TCU students embarked on a camping trip to the Brazos River last weekend, Sept. 26-27.

TCU students embarked on Brazos River camping trip

Published Oct 2, 2015
TCU students got the chance to relax and reflect during a trip down the Brazos.