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The Greek House has long-standing relationship with Fort Worth community

Published Oct 5, 2011

The Greek House is quaint and understated eatery nestled on the corner of Forest Park Boulevard and Park Hill Drive. The restaurant has been a part of Fort Worth since 1988 and was originally located on South University Drive, but relocated to its curr

Video: FWAFA students hit the big stage at Bass Hall

Published Oct 5, 2011

On Friday, Sept. 30 ten students from Fort Worth Academy of Fine Arts performed with the traveling Broadway cast in The Wizard of Oz.

Catie Humphreys is the Munchkin Coordinator for the national tour of The Wizard of OZ. Humphreys said that the

Final flood control option recommendations discussed at Fort Worth watershed meeting

Published Oct 5, 2011

For a little over a year Fort Worth has held public and stakeholder meetings to work toward a solution to the flooding in the Forest Park/Berry Watershed area that comes with heavy rains.

Last Thursday, final recommendations were discussed, in

Music in the 109 this week, Oct. 3-8

Published Oct 3, 2011

It’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month and you can celebrate with your fellow 109ers at local venues right outside your doorstep. George Miadis will play from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 4, at Potbelly’s. Grab a sandwich, and enjoy his acou

Slideshow: McLean Mad Hatter 5K is successful

Published Oct 3, 2011

On Saturday the McLean Mad Hatter 5K race kicked off at 8 a.m. The race was open to runners of all ages and started at McLean Middle School. The race route took participants through TCU and Westcliff neighborhoods and ended back at McLean Middle Sch

Paschal falls again in rain-delayed game played over two nights

Published Oct 3, 2011

The Paschal Panthers fell to 0-5 (0-2 in district play) this week, losing in a storm-delayed game Friday to the North Crowley Panthers, 42-10.

The game featured a plethora of turnovers and a lighting delay that forced the game to be played over

Paschal volleyball sponsers Pink Out game

Published Sep 30, 2011

October is a time when you might expect to see the colors of autumn all around you, but on Oct. 4 the main color you’ll see in the Paschal High School Gymnasium is pink.

At 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 4, in the Paschal High School gym, the

Storms force postponement of Paschal game

Published Sep 30, 2011

The winless Paschal Panthers’ game against their district rival, the North Crowley Panthers (1-3), was postponed at halftime Thursday night at Farrington Field due to severe lightning and heavy rain.

The halftime score was 28-3, after Nor

Video: FWAFA students rehearse for Wizard of Oz

Published Sep 30, 2011

Ten Fort Worth kids chosen to perform in national Broadway tour of The Wizard of Oz.

Three male and seven female sixth graders from Fort Worth Academy of Fine Arts will play the munchkins Friday, Saturday and Sunday at Bass Performance Hall dow

McLean Mad Hatter 5K coming to the 109

Published Sep 28, 2011

This Saturday the McLean Mad Hatter 5K race kicks off at 8 a.m. Registration will occur before the actual race time from 6:30 to 7:40 a.m. The race is open to runners of all ages and starts at McLean Middle School. The race route will weave through TCU

Music in the 109 this week, Sept. 24-Oct. 1

Published Sep 27, 2011

Over the last few weeks, the 109 has had plenty of live music and proud football fans. If you’re looking for a little excitement this week, join the celebration at the following venues.

Acts 29 Network brings micro-churches to Fort Worth neighborhoods

Published Sep 27, 2011

The Acts 29 Network is bringing micro-churches to Fort Worth neighborhoods, and pastors hope their congregation will make people like church more.

The Acts 29 movement is a network of churches across the world. The movement derives its name fro