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FWISD teaching positions scarce despite demand

Published Apr 9, 2009

Applications for teaching positions in the Fort Worth Independent School District may be up, but available positions have decreased markedly, a FWISD official said.

Terry Buckner, the director of recruiting for FWISD, said the school district is predicting to hire only 450 new teachers this year compared to 900 last year because of two economic reasons: Many federal education programs are being eliminated, meaning many unemployed educators are being hired as teachers, and fewer teachers are retiring.

Alumnus pursues passion for rap

Alumnus pursues passion for rap

Published Apr 9, 2009

"I wanna give gold and chariots to the proletariat."Andrew McCollough, a 2005 graduate, said this phrase sticks out in his memories of the university. McCollough said he found inspiration for some of his...

Football analysis: Backs will carry load for Frogs

Published Apr 9, 2009

It's no secret that the Frogs love running the football. The team ran the ball 642 times last season - the fifth highest total in the country - for 2863 yards and 39 touchdowns. The Frogs' dedication to...

Campus Voices: What should the university do with money from sale of jet plane?

Campus Voices: What should the university do with money from sale of jet plane?

Published Apr 9, 2009

"I would say improve the food in the BLUU. The service is great but the quality of the food needs work."

Monika Sadarangani, freshman business major from Dallas

"Use it to get better computers. There are few Macs and they seem to work the best. They could also donate it to a charity in the area."

Corey Bennett, freshman computer science major from Fort Worth

"Toward a parking garage or some extension of parking."

Blake Pierce, junior supply chain management major from Dallas

Dueling columns: Tiger Woods’ prospects at Masters

Published Apr 9, 2009

Golf's superstar will succeed in bid for fifth green jacket

The greatest athlete of our generation will take to the course today at Augusta National Golf Club in Georgia. And make no doubt about it, Tiger Woods is going to win the 73rd Masters Tournament this weekend.

Tiger's battle back from major knee surgery has been well documented. He returned to golf amongst unprecedented fanfare Feb. 26 at the Accenture Match Play Championship in Arizona. His bid for a triumphant, victorious return fell short that weekend as he fell in the second round of match play.

Cheaters give citizens little incentive to pay taxes

Published Apr 9, 2009

It is the most wonderful time of the year. I am not speaking of Christmas, but rather of the national holiday that Americans hold very dear to their hearts: tax day.

Indeed, the carnage that is April 15 and the frenzied weeks leading up to it are a bittersweet time. Some rejoice in getting small amounts of their hard-earned dollars back while others, myself included, deal with further federal wallet draining.

However, several external factors are making it more difficult than usual to pay up this year.

Defrocked reverend's views conflict with Christian, Muslim faiths

Defrocked reverend’s views conflict with Christian, Muslim faiths

Published Apr 8, 2009

In a day and age when there is a lot of obvious contrast between Christianity and Islam, I was rather surprised to come across a recent CNN news story about an ordained Episcopal priest who was defrocked for openly confessing that she is a practicing Muslim and a Christian.

As a religion major, I could not help but see some inconsistencies with the Rev. Ann Holmes Redding's position on her faith.

Letter to the editor: Concealed guns allowed in more places than some would think

Published Apr 8, 2009

The April 7, 2009, article "Students start petition against concealed-gun bill," ends by stating that University of Texas at Austin sophomore Jackie Mintz, one of the two students who put together the petition, -said she doesn't mind that people carry guns as long as she has the choice to avoid places where guns can be carried. But this wouldn't be the case on a college campus, she said.

"I don't have a choice," Mintz said. "I have to sit in my English class if I want to pass the class and graduate."

Sprinter adjusts to life with newborn

Sprinter adjusts to life with newborn

Published Apr 8, 2009

Kristal Juarez steps into the blocks.

The voice behind the microphone quiets the crowd.

"On your mark."

Her nerves cause her body to shake and her muscles to coil.


Seconds pass. Waiting for the final shot seems like an eternity.


She never looks back; she only moves forward. Those people closest to her say her drive pushes her through any struggles - the fear of losing is motivation enough.

Sexting shouldn’t show on minors’ records

Published Apr 8, 2009

Sending lewd photos via text message, one especially lecherous part of the phenomenon known as "sexting," is a foolish practice that has no place at the university.While college is often known as a place...

SGA creates fund for big concerts

Published Apr 8, 2009

Members of the Executive Cabinet celebrated Tuesday after the Student Government Association House of Student Representatives approved the budget for fiscal year 2009-2010, which created a special fund for concerts and performances.

The budget, which totaled $335,000 from student body fees, included $23,000 for the Big Concert Initiative. The initiative is what SGA has contributed to the pool of money to host a concert featuring a popular performing artists like Pat Green, Programming Council Chair Kennedy Stewart said.

Campus committee to find ways to aid veterans

Campus committee to find ways to aid veterans

Published Apr 8, 2009

The Office of Student Affairs plans to assemble a committee in April to discuss how the university can better serve students who have returned from active military duty, a university official said.

Don Mills, vice chancellor for student affairs, sent an e-mail to all school faculty and staff last week inviting those interested to sit and discuss the programs the university currently offers to veterans, as well as suggestions for improvement.