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Alumna gives back to university

Published May 2, 2008

When students need help landing a job, building a resume or finding other career advice, many turn to the University Career Services office, especially to Mary Kathleen Baldwin.

Baldwin, a TCU alumna, is the assistant director of marketing and events for Career Services, but does so much more, said her coworker Darin Ford, an associate director of Career Services.

New University Union delayed, construction to continue

Published May 2, 2008

  While the completion of the Brown-Lupton University Union is delayed, Clark and Jarvis halls are on schedule and there are new projects in the works, an administrator said.   Don Mills,...

Diverse religions find acceptance on campus

Published May 2, 2008

There are over 40 Christian traditions and denominations on campus, yet there are also students who practice other faiths; so how can these students maintain their faith?

Adam Gamwell, program coordinator for the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life and staff adviser to TCU's Interfaith Council and Community, said there are several resources available to students through the office.

Physical defense key, coach says

Physical defense key, coach says

Published May 2, 2008

Players, coaches and future players alike all use one term to describe Jim Christian - hard-nosed.

While recently-departed head basketball coach Neil Dougherty used a stoic, determined manner of coaching during his tumultuous six-year tenure, Christian stands in stark contrast with his apparent lunch pail-type attitude toward basketball.

Sophomore guard Jason Ebie said Christian's hands-on attitude created a lot of emotion during the first two weeks of team workouts.

Things to do if youre under 21

Things to do if you’re under 21

Published May 2, 2008

You study all week, you work, you're responsible, and when the weekend rolls around all you want to do is let loose. What are you going to do? If you're under 21, this question is usually answered with a resounding sigh and a decision to either stay home and party or walk around downtown watching all the old people having fun. Of course there are other options, but can you ever think of them at 8 p.m. on Saturday night?

Students not required to study Christianity

Published May 2, 2008

Although TCU is affiliated with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and requires students to take a religion course, students are not required to study Christianity.

"(The religion requirement) is part of a recognition that a person with a college education ought to be acquainted with the role that religion plays in life and culture," said David Grant, professor and chair of religion.

Grant said there is a diversity of religion among faculty, and courses are taught from an academic standpoint.

Feng shui can destress dorm living

Feng shui can destress dorm living

Published May 2, 2008

With homework, meetings, activities and friends, college life can be crazy. It's hard to share a dorm room and find time to keep it clean. It is possible, though, that the state of your dorm room has an effect on the state of your mind. That theory is one of the principles of feng shui.

Feng shui, which literally means wind and water, originated in ancient China but still has principles that are relevant today.

New Horned Frogs will learn from mistakes

Published May 2, 2008

Welcome to the best four years of your life. Within the next few weeks, you will receive numerous free T-shirts, credit card offers and maybe even go to your first college party.So here's a little to-do...

Fort Worth looks for ways to go green

Fort Worth looks for ways to go green

Published May 2, 2008

Texas is hot.In the concrete cities of the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex, there's no escaping the heat without increasing energy costs. But environmental scientists in Fort Worth are looking to beat the...

Switch to college life can be a difficult one

Published May 2, 2008

The transition from high school to college can be tough, but current TCU students say hearing advice from older peers is helpful.

Karina Mercer, a sophomore accounting and finance major, said its important to balance studying and friends.

"When you study nonstop, you will burn yourself out," she said. "Make sure you find time to enjoy life and treasure the friendships you will make. Find a balance between school and fun and you will be much happier."

Clarification on April 11 academic programs story

Published Apr 25, 2008

An April 11 story, "Academic programs to benefit from public campaign," should have noted that the four academic units in the story are not the only ones that will benefit from the Campaign for TCU.

Founders of polo club graduate, leave legacy of team to junior

Founders of polo club graduate, leave legacy of team to junior

Published Apr 25, 2008

Four years ago, two women enrolled at TCU with the intention of bringing something new beyond two students.

Polo was their hobby, their sport a means of enjoyment and they did not plan on giving it up.

Molly Musselman, a communication studies major, and KC Beal, an entrepreneurial management major, started the polo club at TCU in 2004.

Starting off