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Campus programs can't please everybody

Campus programs can’t please everybody

Published Nov 10, 2010

For those of you who don"t know, I play piano. One of the things that my piano teachers have told me is that repetition is a great way to remember a piece. Apparently, TCU politicians have taken this to heart. Every year, somebody running for student government tells me how they want to improve programs at the university.

While I admire their efforts, one has to wonder if it's all futile. For our answer, let's turn to everyone's favorite buzz kill: economics.

The Purple Poll – Sports Edition

Published Nov 10, 2010

What do you think about Andy Dalton being on the front cover of Sports Illustrated?

Joey Monroy, sophomore, Film-TV-Digital Media: "I think it's great. Especially for the image of TCU."

Nathan Navarro, sophomore, Film-TV-Digital Media: "I think it's pretty cool. I don't think we have had anyone of the front cover of Sports Illustrated in a very long time. Other than the fact that this might be a curse, I think we will be fine this week.

Jeremeka Jarrell, senior, social work: "That's exciting."

Power outages anticipated Sunday on campus

Published Nov 10, 2010

The power outages aren't over for students living in main campus residence halls.

An e-mail sent to faculty and staff Wednesday afternoon announced that more than 20 campus buildings, including most residence halls and the student union, will be without power from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sunday.

The electricity will be shut down by the Physical Plant in order to make repairs to a campus electrical system which had a medium cable voltage failure at 1:41 a.m. last Thursday.

Rangers could lose Lee to the Yankees

Published Nov 10, 2010

In his first three appearances in the 2010 postseason, Cliff Lee was flawless. Over 24 innings against the Tampa Bay Rays and the New York Yankees, Lee allowed a total of two runs and tallied 34 strikeouts.

Heading into Game 1 of the World Series, most were sure that Lee would dominate the offensively-challenged San Francisco Giants. However, the Rangers were routed in the series with Lee taking two losses in the opening Game 1 and critical Game 5 of the series.

The Frogs have a legitimate shot at a BCS championship game

Published Nov 10, 2010

Be excited, people. TCU has a legitimate shot at playing in the BCS National Championship game. Allow all the naysayers to say what they want about the BCS system. Now tell them to shut up and look at...

Saturday’s game will be the last in Amon G. Carter Stadium before renovations

Published Nov 10, 2010

Head coach Gary Patterson said he has a goal on Saturday for the crowd to get involved in the last game at Amon G. Carter Stadium before the university begins its $105 million renovation.

"I want it to be so loud that they have to go silent count for the whole four quarters," Patterson said at a weekly media luncheon.

Over 400 TCU letter winners from every decade since the 1930s will be on the field during halftime of the game, Patterson said. TCU great Jim Swink and 1984 Heisman Trophy candidate Kenneth Davis may be in attendance, among others.

Parents should monitor what kids play, not the government

Published Nov 10, 2010

We grew up in a strikingly different time than most of our parents and grandparents. At the age I am now, my mother's neighbors were just getting a television. Now it is taboo for people to not have one....

Students robbed at gunpoint

Published Nov 9, 2010

Jeff Pels, a senior accounting major, walks down Devitt Avenue to a friend's house almost every weekend. On Friday night, the 30-second walk down the street took a bad turn when he and two friends were...

New app for iPhone makes seeking career advice easy

New app for iPhone makes seeking career advice easy

Published Nov 9, 2010

A new Career Services application for the iTCU suite allows users portability and ease in obtaining career advice, a Student Affairs official said. Director of Student Affairs Marketing Susan Nethery...

Ballet building to undergo renovations

Ballet building to undergo renovations

Published Nov 9, 2010

The university's Ballet and Modern Dance Building will undergo its first major renovation beginning late this December, which may cause some sacrifice from both the dance department and University Recreation...

Don Mills to take on new role

Don Mills to take on new role

Published Nov 9, 2010

Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Don Mills will take on a new role at the university following the end of the spring semester, according to an e-mail from the provost. Provost Nowell Donovan wrote...

Don’t leave items in car unattended

Published Nov 9, 2010

As Sgt. Kelly Ham responded to a call for a suspicious vehicle in a campus parking lot, he said he counted 12 visible GPS devices on car dashboards.

He said when he attended the call for the suspicious vehicle, it didn't seem like students paid close attention to the warnings that had been sent out in regard to the recent burglaries.

"If the burglars don't see anything to steal, more than likely they won't break out a window to look through the car," he said.