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TCU 360

Campus eateries’ replacement not sufficient

Published Feb 26, 2008

I've got the perfect solution to the already much-maligned dining program: Close two of the most popular, not to mention healthy, locations.

The closing of Deco Deli and Edens in March will leave many TCU students wondering what healthy options they have for lunch.

Not only are there two fewer options where students can eat, but also the new option that replaces it, a hot dog cart, is not exactly health-conscious.

World-class piano teacher shares passion for music

World-class piano teacher shares passion for music

Published Feb 26, 2008

Tamas Ungar sits at his piano bench with his eyes closed, listening.

At the piano parallel to his own, his student's fingers glide across the keys as he plays Franz Liszt's "Spanish Rhapsody."

At a shift in pace, noticeable only to a studied pianist, Ungar's eyes snap open, and suddenly, he is playing alongside his student - only slower.

"It has to make itself push!" Ungar instructs in his soft Hungarian accent over the music of the two pianos nearly in sync.

Group seeks to educate on reproductive choices

Published Feb 26, 2008

Rain and sleet did nothing to stifle the spirits of senior modern dance major Melinda Castro as she joined thousands of anti-abortion protesters in Washington, D.C., to rally on the 35th anniversary of Roe v. Wade.

Less than a month after the March for Life, Castro created Students for Life, a student organization that seeks to raise awareness about abortion.

Movie review: 'Vantage Point' too redundant

Movie review: ‘Vantage Point’ too redundant

Published Feb 26, 2008

The idea for "Vantage Point," appears intriguing on paper. Watching the assassination attempt of the president through the eyes of eight different people offers originality and seems to be a good idea...

Equestrian team in position for championships

Published Feb 26, 2008

The TCU Hunt Seat team is still in the race to qualify for the Varsity Equestrian National Championships.The top 12 teams will advance to the championships, and after Friday's game against Fresno State,...

Theater department is in with the old

Published Feb 26, 2008

Destiny brought a young British couple back together after years apart. So is the story of "Private Lives," a play written by Noel Coward in 1930, which will be TCU Theatre's first show of this semester.

Connie de Veer, director of the play and assistant professor of theater, said the play will be performed by five TCU theatre majors at Buschman Theatre in Ed Landreth Hall.

She said the story portrayed the well-mannered wealthy class of 1930 England.

Obama’s message similar to JFK’s, deserves leader’s recognition

Published Feb 26, 2008

The 2008 Texas Primary Election has landed in the Lone Star State and Texas voters can finally play a pivotal role in a presidential nominating contest.Who would have thought, even two months ago, that...

Movie review: 'Be Kind Rewind' takes inventive approach

Movie review: ‘Be Kind Rewind’ takes inventive approach

Published Feb 26, 2008

Tired of tapes not being rewound, or have you forgotten about VHS through the introduction of DVD? And now, Blue-Ray? Rewind has become a thing of the past, but not for Jack Black and Mos Def.

Michel Gondry, director of "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind," has a new film called "Be Kind Rewind." It is a quirky and unusual take on the make-your-own film era. From the lowly streets of Passaic, N.J., we are introduced to Mr. Fletcher's (Danny Glover) failing "Be Kind Rewind" VHS store.

Letter to the editor: Nixing dorm kitchens bad idea

Published Feb 26, 2008

The decision to eliminate dorm-room kitchens is wrong for many reasons.

It tells students living in the dorms that they're something other than the adults they are, and it will lead to a culture of irresponsibility among first- and second-year students living on campus.

Secondly, this decision takes away from students all their personal responsibility over their own nutrition and places that responsibility instead in the hands of TCU.

Policy expert to speak today

Published Feb 26, 2008

The senior vice president of a bipartisan, nonprofit organization that provides insights and policy solutions for the government, international institutions and corporations will visit campus today and...

Campus eateries to close

Campus eateries to close

Published Feb 26, 2008

Two dining facilities will close permanently March 7 because of campus construction, but other dining options will be available, such as a hot dog cart, said the marketing manager of Dining Services.Legia...

Conference network goes national

Published Feb 26, 2008

The Mountain West Sports Network is joining forces with DirecTV and will launch the Mtn. nationwide no later than Sept. 1.

The Mtn. is the nation's first network dedicated to one college conference, the Mountain West Conference, which TCU has been a member of since 2005.

DirecTV is the nation's largest satellite-television service provider, available to 16.8 million customers.