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Burglary suspects arrested

Published Jan 24, 2008

Two men and one woman were arrested on suspicion of burglary of a motor vehicle in the freshman parking lot late Tuesday night, a TCU Police investigator said.

TCU Police received a tip from a witness saying a car alarm went off in the freshman parking lot, and looking back, the witness saw two people who looked suspicious, TCU Police Sgt. Kelly Ham said.

Letter to the editor: Tradition, history not grounds for animal abuse

Published Jan 24, 2008

We want to clarify our position as protesters of the rodeo and the exploitative non-human entertainment industry at large.

We feel that given the facts of the inevitable deaths and provocative means that ensure a performance for humans' amusement, there is no way to justify non-humans' forced involvement in such barbaric activities. We view the rodeo as exploitative, since the non-humans exist as expendable entities to draw in ticket sales.

100-calorie packs not as healthy as they seem

Published Jan 24, 2008

As usual, promises to lose weight and be healthier have begun ringing in the New Year.

And this year numerous convenience products decorate grocery store shelves, advertising themselves as healthy, nutritious snacks.

The "100-calorie pack" has jumped on the scene as the super-hero, quick-fix food. Don't get me wrong; I myself enjoy these tasty treats, but you should take caution when surrounded by the brightly colored boxes and the hopes of a sinless snack.

Business executive emphasizes employee happiness rather than customers

Business executive emphasizes employee happiness rather than customers

Published Jan 24, 2008

Despite the economy's recent downturn, businesses should put their employees, not customers, first, the CEO of The Container Store said Wednesday at the Tandy Executive Speaker Series.If employees are...

Obama and Clinton need to focus on issues, not quarrels

Published Jan 24, 2008

It's not uncommon for two presidential candidates to disagree, but not like the recent exchanges between Sens. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.This year marks one of the most intriguing elections of all...

Date to start natural gas drilling up in the air

Date to start natural gas drilling up in the air

Published Jan 24, 2008

During the last few years, the city of Fort Worth, Tarrant County College and communities around the Dallas/Fort Worth area have pursued natural gas drilling into the Barnett Shale. TCU was supposed to follow their lead later this month.

SGA rightfully upholds presidential veto

Published Jan 23, 2008

Kudos to the Student Government Association for not overriding a veto that would bring back an undemocratic resolution.

SGA's resolution requesting that KTCU FM 88.7 "The Choice" bring back jazz programming last fall evoked opposition by KTCU and students. Later, the resolution was rightly vetoed by Jace Thompson, outgoing student body president. But despite the president's veto, the same resolution resurfaced Tuesday.

SGA made the right decision this time and did not allow the resolution to pass.

Oprah’s reality TV could give hope to those in need

Published Jan 23, 2008

In December, The New York Times ran an article about Oprah Winfrey and her upcoming attempt at creating feel-good reality shows for television. "Participants will compete to come up with the most creative ways to take a given amount of money and other resources and multiply them before giving them away to help others," Edward Wyatt writes about one of Winfrey's ideas for a show, "Oprah Winfrey's 'The Big Give.'" The second show would feature one family each episode facing a serious financial crisis.

Fort Worth ranks No. 5 for top job hunting cities

Published Jan 23, 2008

Fort Worth is a hot spot for jobs in 2008, according to Forbes magazine. And with a TCU degree, chances of finding a job in the area are high, said a Career Services professional.

Ann Reynolds, director of University Career Services, said she agrees with Forbes that Fort Worth is an ideal place for people to find work.

Toy paranoia just cause for holiday shopping problems

Published Jan 23, 2008

This Christmas was scary for both consumers and retailers thanks to a toy recall involving lead paint.

There I was, a few weeks before Thanksgiving, trying to figure out what to put on my 1-year-old daughter's Christmas list because I knew family members would start asking me what to get her. The recalls affected my list, making me doubt the safety of the toys still on the shelves.

Frog Camp in London, summer 2008

Frog Camp in London, summer 2008

Published Jan 23, 2008

Some incoming Frogs will jump the pond for a seven-day Frog Camp this summer, the director of the First Year Experience said.Thirty-six incoming freshman honors students may attend Frog Camp in London...

Basketball fans missing in stands

Published Jan 23, 2008

In the time I've lived in Texas and gone to TCU, I've realized that Texans and TCU students love their sports and ally themselves wholeheartedly to their teams with a few exceptions.Whether it is one of...